REF#VT 91407 / Development land / Near Veliko Tarnovo / Veliko Tarnovo region / Bulgaria / For sale On the map
Property type - All
Development land
in the area of Veliko Tarnovo / Bulgaria
Total area
1184 sq.m
Price € 29,000
24 €/sq.m
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Anà Nikolova
Consultant / Office Veliko Tarnovo (PROPERTY.BG)
Consultant / Office Veliko Tarnovo (PROPERTY.BG)
Info pack
Distance from the property to major attractions
- Airport : 200 km
Views from the property
- Forest views
- Hills views
- Village views
We have the pleasure to offer you development land for sale, with current location in Veliko Tarnovo.
The presented property is offered withtotal area: 1184 sq.m.
This property has the current views from the property: forest views, hills views, village views.
The property has:
In close proximity to the property you can find:
1184 sq.m
The presented property is offered withtotal area: 1184 sq.m.
This property has the current views from the property: forest views, hills views, village views.
The property has:
- on asphalt road
- food shops nearby
In close proximity to the property you can find:
- town hall
- church
- bus stop
- digital tv
- cafe
- restaurant
- near monastery/monasteries
- near architectural reserve
- near cave
- near nature reserve
- lake
- mineral springs
- park
- river
- reservoir/lake
- no industry
- foreign neighbours
1184 sq.m
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This is the approximate location of the property. Please get in contact with us to learn its exact location.
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