3-bedroom apartment in Sofia

REF#Sve-62987-22503  / 3-bedroom apartment / district Ivan Vazov  / Sofia  / Sofia region  / Bulgaria / To rent  On the map

Property type - All
3-bedroom apartment
(Apartment, Large apartment, Two-level penthouse)

district Ivan Vazov / Sofia / Bulgaria

Number of floors




Total area
170 sq.m

Rent  1,750/MONTH
  10 €/sq.m

More property features

Request more information or viewing

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Monika Kostadinova
Consultant / Office Vitosha, Sofia

  • +359 2 ...show number
  • +359 88...show number
  • +359 88 ...show number
  • m.kostadinova..show email
  • English, Bulgarian
  • 69A, Vitosha Blvd., 2nd floor, Office 7, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria On the map
  • Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
    Saturday-Sunday and public holidays: closed
    Consultation by phone: Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
    Property viewings: Monday-Friday: 9:00 - 18:00 or by arrangement with an agent
  • Ref. No. Sve-62987-22503
Info pack


Fully furnished

Fully fitted bathroom

Parquet flooring, Tiled flooring

6.5 km 11 km

Distance from the property to major attractions
  • Town centre: 6.5 km
  • Airport : 11 km
  • Grocery shop: 800 m
  • Bus stop: 800 m
  • School: 1 km
  • Brick-built
  • Air-conditioners
  • Central heating
  • Inverter air-conditioner

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Maisonette in the Ivan Vazov district near Vitosha Blvd. and Bulgaria Blvd. The area is one of the most preferred for living, due to its proximity to the ideal center and easy transport connections to all parts of the capital. The main thoroughfares are the large metropolitan boulevards, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the property. In minutes you can reach the National Palace of Culture, Hilton Hotel, tram stops, metro, shops, office buildings.
Heating is by central heating and air conditioning.

An underground double garage can be rented for 200 euros.

The apartment occupies the second floor of the six-story building. The exposure is south/east. The maisonette is qualitatively finished:
• walls: latex
• flooring: granite tiles, natural parquet
• PVC windows
• equipped bathrooms with terracotta and faience toilets

The maisonette is spacious and bright, consisting of:
• living room with dining area
• equipped kitchen
• three bedrooms
• two bathrooms with toilets
• wet room

The apartment is being rented fully furnished and equipped. The following will be available to future tenants:
• sofa with table
• dining table with eight chairs
• equipped kitchenette with:
-oven with hobs "Whirlpool"
- aspirator "Elin"
• dining table with four chairs
• bedroom sets
• wardrobes
• lighting fixtures

"Ivan Vazov" is a quiet and well-maintained neighborhood with flexible transport connections. The area is richly landscaped, has places for recreation and walks, city gardens. In close proximity are the "Ivan Vazov" market, shops, commercial services. An additional advantage is the proximity of the South Park.

We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.

How to rent the property?
If you like the property and decide to rent it, we will be able to prepare a rental agreement with the landlord and present it for approval and signature by both parties. The usual practice is to prepay one rent for the first month and to leave a guarantee deposit to the landlord to the amount of one month's rent. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information on the procedure for renting the property as it may vary between long-term, short-term and seasonal rents.

Additional Services
Apart from renting a property though our company you can also take advantage of a number of additional services. We can offer insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furnishing, legal and accounting services, etc.
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This is the approximate location of the property. Please get in contact with us to learn its exact location.


Апартаментът е просторен и светъл. Състои се от:
• входно антре
• дневна с трапезария и кухненски бокс
• две спални
• баня с тоалетна
• тоалетна за гости
• мокро помещение
• тераса


На разположение на бъдещите наематели ще останат луксозно обзавеждане и оборудване, включващо:
• мека мебел
• маса за хранене с шест стола
• ниска маса
• шкафове
• вградена кухня
• хладилник „Siemens”
• фурна „Siemens”
• газови котлони „Siemens”
• абсорбатор „Eurolux”
• съдомиялна „Siemens”
• легла с матраци
• нощни шкафчета
• бюро
• пералня „AEG”
• осветителни тела

Technical features

Апартаментът се намира на трети етаж от общо шест за сградата етажа. Изложението е югоизток. Жилището е стилно завършено, откроява се с елегантен дизайн в различни цветови комбинации. Използвани са висококачествени довършителни работи:
• стени: американски латекс
• подови настилки: дъбов паркет и испански гранитогрес
• петкамерна PVC дограма „Schuco“ с цвят „златен дъб“ и с UV-защита на стъклата
• интериорни врати с естествен дъбов фурнир, в пълна хармония с декора на пода
• луксозни санитарни помещения


Имотът се намира в благоприятен район, в полите на Витоша. Разполага с лесен и бърз достъп до централните части на града. Квартал „Витоша” осигурява редица удобства и услуги на достъпни разстояния. На територията на района се намират магазин IKEA и Sofia Ring Mall, учебни заведения, спортен комплекс. Удобните връзки с планината са предпоставка за туризъм, спорт и разходки.

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